libbf  0.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 oCbitvectorA vector of bits
 |\CreferenceAn lvalue proxy for single bits
 oCbasic_bloom_filterThe basic Bloom filter
 oCbitwise_bloom_filterThe bitwise Bloom filter
 oCcounting_bloom_filterThe counting Bloom filter
 oCspectral_mi_bloom_filterA spectral Bloom filter with minimum increase (MI) policy
 oCspectral_rm_bloom_filterA spectral Bloom filter with recurring minimum (RM) policy
 oCstable_bloom_filterA stable Bloom filter
 oCbloom_filterThe abstract Bloom filter interface
 oCcounter_vectorThe fixed width storage policy implements a bit vector where each cell represents a counter having a fixed number of bits
 oCh3An implementation of the H3 hash function family
 oCdefault_hasherA hasher which hashes an object k times
 oCdouble_hasherA hasher which hashes an object two times and generates k digests through a linear combinations of the two digests
 \CobjectWraps sequential data to be used in hashing